Friday, 3 June 2016

Monkey engineering

Today was a bit of a different day here, a day where I had to get my hands “dirty” and try out some true field engineering.

One of the projects I helped with in the past was an intravenous fluid pump delivery system for pediatric patients. Often, hospitals will only receive large, adult-sized (1000 mL) IV bags. The problem is that many, many patients who require IVs are children. When children become dehydrated, which is especially common because of diarrheal disease, they often need to be treated with IV fluids. However, there is a precise formula that must be followed, because overhydration (administering too much fluid) is just as dangerous as dehydration. In the US and other developed countries, we have complex cut-off mechanisms using electronics that ensure that pediatric patients don’t receive too much fluid. The cut-off allows the doctor to administer only 200 mL of a 1000 mL bag, for instance, to a baby. However, in some places around the world, these electronics are not available. In such places, the only way to ensure that a patient doesn’t receive too much fluid is to carefully monitor the IV bag and manually cut off the flow. 

So back to the story- after our work in Malawi last year, Dr. Muelenaer has been using this a great teaching project for an incredible group of high school students from Roanoke County. He challenged them to develop a mechanical solution for cutting off fluid flow of IV bags. This year, they worked to create version III of the device, and they had a great time doing it. They took ownership and really made it their own. So my job today was to assemble the device for them, take some pictures, and see how it worked (and if it still worked after the pieces were thrown around a plane for 17 hours). 

So today, I got to get out my tools and give this a go. It’s nice to work with my hands and have time to think. But the best part of working on this today was being outside all day! As you can see from the picture, the flora is just beautiful. All day, the birds tweeted sweetly and kept me company. Also, Dr. Penny was pediatrician of the year and jumped elbows deep into the engineering project. I was so impressed. We were two women on a mission.

As the afternoon went on, I kept hearing this loud noises in the trees around me- it sounded like maybe the branches were going to fall. Finally, the noises got so loud that I stood up, put down the tools, and thought to myself “those have got to be some big birds in that tree!”. I walked out of the patio area where I was working to get a closer look, and to my surprise, there was a family of monkeys! Between 12-15, I would say. I was just elated. I ran back to grab Dr. Penny (and also my camera!) and snapped some awesome pictures of these little guys. They were hungry and looking for food!

And this is where the story gets really entertaining. Dr. Penny had run in to get a banana to feed them while I snapped pictures. She came outside, threw the banana- and then we had a riot. Actually, it was a bit terrifying, even though they are much smaller than us and amazing adorable. Instinctively Dr. Penny grabbed my arm and ran towards the door- “I think we’d better get inside NOW”, she said. So we ran inside and shut the door as fast as we could. 

Then, the monkeys became very interested in the IV pump. They circled around in for a good ten minutes, eyeing it as if to say, “what is this strange creature?” This picture cracks me up because it is the epitome of field engineering- interrupted by a band of monkeys!

The rest of testing the high school team’s IV device design will have to wait until another day, because the monkeys hung around the device until dark. I have to say, I’m not too disappointed- these memories (and pictures!) will make me laugh for a lifetime!

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